
U.S. Clean Water Law Needs New Act for the 21st Century
Seminal water law does not address nation's emerging water pollution challenges.

California Drought Signals Fundamental Shift to New Water Conditions
Climate change models have long predicted a drying West. In California, the future has arrived.

Contemplating Water’s Future in a Dry Arizona Riverbed
A sunrise photoshoot in the drying Colorado River Basin leads to more than images -- Circle of Blue director J. Carl Ganter's meeting with Governor Stephen Lewis of the Gila River Indian Community.Circle of Blue Director J. Carl Ganter met with Governor Stephen Lewis of the Gila River Indian Community in the drying Colorado River Basin.

In Drying Colorado River Basin, Indian Tribes Are Water Dealmakers
Native Americans hold 20 percent of the basin's water rights. How they use their water will shape the future of the Southwest.

Water Buyback Limit Proposed for Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin
Legislation would redirect the flow of money for water-saving projects.

Hawaii River Restorations Reflect National Desire to Protect Water for Public Benefit
Using public trust doctrine, communities restore streams diverted…

The Stream, April 19: Drought-hit Midwest Pummeled by Rains
Drought Relief
Farm fields across the Midwestern United States…

With Locals at the Helm, Kansas Charts New Course for Groundwater Management
As they have been doing for decades, political leaders and water managers in Kansas are upending Western water law traditions that originated before the state was even part of the Union.

The Stream, February 18: Ethiopia’s Planned Nile River Dam Could Affect Water Supply for Millions
Ethiopia is building a dam that will give the country control…

Western U.S. Governors Say Water Transfers Vital But Need to Protect Rural Economies
Better data is needed too.
By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue

U.S. and Mexico Sign Major Deal on Colorado River Issues: Delta Restoration, Infrastructure, Water Sharing
The agreement marks a turn in Colorado River management.

The Stream, September 14: Has Thailand Done Enough to Prepare For Floods?
A recent spate of flooding in Thailand has raised concerns…