
The Stream, May 14: NASA Scientist Links Specific Weather Events to Climate Change

Drinking water is safe to consume in the small Pennsylvania town…

The Stream, April 12: The Murray Darling River Basin Draft Plan

As the consultation period for the draft plan on the Murray Darling…

The Stream, January 12: Water as Business Risk

Next to power shortages, water scarcity will be the next big…

The Stream, November 21: World Should Brace for More Weather Extremes

The world should brace for more record-breaking temperatures,…

The Stream, November 18: UNEP Calls for Green Global Economy

Water management trails climate change on companies' agenda,…

The Stream, October 20: Public Opinion on U.S. Energy Policy

Less than 14 percent of Americans think that the United States…

The Stream, August 25: Dams – China’s Ticking Time Bombs

Southern Weekend, one of China’s major investigative news agencies,…

The Stream, February 22: Cholera and Climate

Investing 2 percent, or roughly $1.3 trillion, of the global…

Top Global Businesses Report Water Risks, Assess Water Use

The Carbon Disclosure Project’s water risk survey is one of many reports and tools addressing corporate water management.

Water-intensive Companies Fail to Disclose Water Risks, Report Says

Large companies in water-intensive industries are poorly managing and reporting water-related risks, according to a study from a coalition of investment funds and environmental groups.