
Nuclear Fallout: Nevada Takes Hard Look at Contaminated Groundwater From Historic Testing Grounds

The Yucca Flat area of the Nevada Test Site is scarred with subsidence craters from underground nuclear testing[/caption]Decades of nuclear weapons testing has contaminated an estimated 1.6 trillion gallons of groundwater in the Nevada desert, a region where clean water is scarce and getting scarcer.

Heart of Dryness: Water, Climate, and Energy

The second installment Climate Change Coping Strategies of excerpts from James G. Workman's Heart of Dryness

Wildlife Elephants Fall Victims to Kenya’s Drought

More than 40 elephants have died in the past two months in the Laikipia, Isiolo and Samburu districts, as the severe drought challenges Kenyan wildlife’s capacity to feed itself.While a prolonged dry spell continues to plague Kenya, wildlife experts worry that the country’s 23,000 elephants might be in danger.

Dry Spell Drives Kenya to Famine

Dry Spell Drives Kenya to FamineKenya is looking for an exit from a prolonged drought that is challenging the country’s capacity to feed itself.

India Turns to Imports to Refill Depleted Food Stocks

India is taking major steps to alleviate the effects of its devastating drought.

Peter Gleick: ‘Drought Impacts on Unemployment Are Grossly Overstated’

Thus concludes a new comprehensive assessment of the impacts of the drought on Central Valley unemployment.

Corruption and Cartels Drain Nairobi’s Water

nairobi With a dry season already bringing Kenya's water reservoirs to the brink, the severely limited water supplies of Nairobi are now also being illegally diverted on their way to the taps of millions.

Mumbai Prays for Rain

mumbia Citizens in Mumbai, India, are battling both blazing heat and a water shortage, as the city taps deep into its reserves to meet its daily water requirements.

Water and Food Shortages Hit Western China

ningxia_hui The cisterns of western China are empty, as prolonged drought brings the people of the the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to their knees.

South Korea’s ‘Green New Deal’ — A Focus on Water

With the prospect of impending water shortages hot on South Korea’s heels, Seoul is reaching into its pocketbook for better water infrastructure.

Water Shortages Trigger Domestic Violence in Uganda

watercarryafrica In many Ugandan families, water users are equal, but some are more equal than others.

Mexico City Washes Off Flu With Dribbles

mexicoslums While countries around the world are taking measures to hold up the spread of the H1N1 virus, much of Mexico City still lacks the most basic barrier to the flu –- water sanitation.