
The Stream, July 6: Hunger Looms in Somalia and Sudan

aid organizations are warning of a possible famine in Sudan,…

The Stream, July 4: Controversy Continues Over Laos Dam

Researchers have warned that the steady decline in world water-monitoring…

Tracking Invasive Asian Carp: Where Are Those Flopping Fish?

An increasing percentage of eDNA samples, taken near Lake Michigan, are turning up positive for carp.

Jay Famiglietti

Dr. Jay Famiglietti shows exactly how groundwater is depleted…

The Stream, June 22: South Australia To Spend $2 Million On Campaign For Murray Water

South Australia has allocated $2 million to support its bid to…

Illegal Mining in India Threatens Right to Water

A new report on India’s rampant illegal mining highlights corruption,…

The Stream, June 20: Maryland’s Million-year-old Water

Maryland is sitting atop an aquifer containing water that is…

Global Gold Rush: The Price of Mining Pursuits On The Water Supply

Water supplies remain key to the global boom in gold mining, driven by high demand and near-record prices.

The Stream, June 15: New Delhi Faces Water Crisis

India's capital city of New Delhi is facing an increasingly severe…

The Stream, June 13: Land Grabs Threaten Africa’s Water

Large-scale foreign investment in Africa's farmland is a threat…

Syrian Refugees Flood Into Jordan’s Dry Northern Region

In states surrounding Syria — especially resource-poor Jordan — the influx of more than 120,000 Syrian refugees is putting a squeeze on the water supply.

The Stream, June 8: A Tipping Point for World Climate and Resources

A study by European scientists warns that large geoengineering…