
U.S. Congress to Get Asian Carp Solutions by 2013, Two Years Ahead of Schedule

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is taking steps to speed up…
The opening of the Morganza spillway resulted almost immediately in the flooding of farmland located within the floodway. Flooding of farmland caked in fertilizer is a threat to the Gulf of Mexico because it could increase the size of the dead-zone.

The Stream, May 11: Top Scientists Say Water + Energy = Linked Issues

Energy and Climate The world's top scientists are urging governments…
The opening of the Morganza spillway resulted almost immediately in the flooding of farmland located within the floodway. Flooding of farmland caked in fertilizer is a threat to the Gulf of Mexico because it could increase the size of the dead-zone.

The Stream, April 27: Water Cycle Intensifying Faster Than Predicted

Climate change is causing the global water cycle to accelerate…
The opening of the Morganza spillway resulted almost immediately in the flooding of farmland located within the floodway. Flooding of farmland caked in fertilizer is a threat to the Gulf of Mexico because it could increase the size of the dead-zone.

The Stream, April 25: Beijing Will Face a Water Shortage

Water Supply in Asia Beijing's water resources are expected…
Iran Water Transfer

Putting Iran’s Water Transfer Project in Perspective

Circle of Blue reporter Codi Yeager's thoughts on water transfer projects around the world.
The opening of the Morganza spillway resulted almost immediately in the flooding of farmland located within the floodway. Flooding of farmland caked in fertilizer is a threat to the Gulf of Mexico because it could increase the size of the dead-zone.

The Stream, April 18: Water Conflicts In Western U.S.

Irrigators in Texas and New Mexico are unhappy with a decision…
Protesters in Cusco, Peru in 2008 take part in a national day of strike against the government of former President Alan García, who opened up large areas of the Amazon to logging and mining interests.

International Review of Peru’s Conga Mine Recommends Improvements for Water

Large-scale protests over resource extraction have swept the country in recent years, posing significant hurdles to a mining industry that is expected to bring Peru $US 50 billion in future investment over the next decade.
The opening of the Morganza spillway resulted almost immediately in the flooding of farmland located within the floodway. Flooding of farmland caked in fertilizer is a threat to the Gulf of Mexico because it could increase the size of the dead-zone.

The Stream, April 11: Textiles Linked to Polluted Water Discharge in China

Forty-six Chinese and multinational clothing companies are buying…
The opening of the Morganza spillway resulted almost immediately in the flooding of farmland located within the floodway. Flooding of farmland caked in fertilizer is a threat to the Gulf of Mexico because it could increase the size of the dead-zone.

The Stream, April 6: Radioactive Water Leaks Again At Fukushima

Asia Twelve tons of radioactive water leaked from a pipeline…
The opening of the Morganza spillway resulted almost immediately in the flooding of farmland located within the floodway. Flooding of farmland caked in fertilizer is a threat to the Gulf of Mexico because it could increase the size of the dead-zone.

The Stream, April 4: Water and Politics in South America

Under a new law, mining and oil companies in Peru will be required…
The opening of the Morganza spillway resulted almost immediately in the flooding of farmland located within the floodway. Flooding of farmland caked in fertilizer is a threat to the Gulf of Mexico because it could increase the size of the dead-zone.

Agriculture and Sewage Dead Zone: Taking on Nutrient Pollution in the Mississippi River Watershed

As the impact of agriculture on water quality intensifies around the globe, two lawsuits in the United States aim to reduce the size of the Gulf of Mexico's ‘dead zone’ by setting limits on nutrient pollution in the Mississippi River Basin.
The opening of the Morganza spillway resulted almost immediately in the flooding of farmland located within the floodway. Flooding of farmland caked in fertilizer is a threat to the Gulf of Mexico because it could increase the size of the dead-zone.

The Stream, March 23: Water Security Is National Security

Water scarcity will likely create conflict in regions around…