
Chinese Power Plant Develops Advanced Coal Technology

China attempts to move forward with its clean energy ambitions.

Peter Gleick: Misusing California Water Numbers for Political Purposes: Jobs, Fish, and Lies

Anyone who pays attention to water in California knows that the state is just getting over (we hope) a serious three-year drought.

Peter Gleick: Time for a Drinking Water Fountain Renaissance

One of the reasons for the explosive growth in the sales of bottled water in the past two decades is the disappearance of public drinking water fountains.

Peter Gleick: Time for a “Cash for Water Clunkers” Program

The international water expert proposes a plan to ensure the long-term sustainability of the United States’ water resources.

World Water Week 2010 Tackles Quality Issues

Canadian teen duo wins the prestigious Stockholm Junior Water Prize for their project on biodegredation.

World Bank Report Endorses Integrated Approach to Water Management

Rising population growth and food demand coupled with climate change will test World Bank’s water resource strategy

Reservoir of Acidic Water Rises Beneath South Africa’s Largest City

Polluted groundwater has forced the South African government to scramble for solutions.

Peter Gleick: California’s Next One Million Acre-Feet of Water

This is a key time for California water: we are coming off of three years of serious drought and growing political conflict over water allocations.

Bulk Water Company Plans to Export to India, East Asia and the Caribbean

‘Water has to come to the people,’ president of S2C Global tells Circle of Blue.

Peter Gleick: Massive Water Bond Delayed: Back to more Realistic Water Solutions

The California Legislature pulled the massive $11 billion water bond from the November ballot and moved it to 2012.

Peter Gleick: The Human Right to Water (and Sanitation)

Peter Gleick applauds the UN General Assembly's declaration: "the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights."

Q&A: Thomas Bjelkeman-Pettersson Connecting Aid and Water Online at

Bjelkeman-Pettersson talked to Circle of Blue during the Tällberg Rework the World Conference in Sweden about sharing information to change the global direction on water and sanitation issues.