
PlayPump not a Panacea for Africa’s Water Problems

A technology once heralded as a simple solution to Africa’s drinking water problem now stands as a broken, unused and poorly planned reminder of international water aid’s latest misstep.

Q&A: Mission Plastiki—Catching Wind, Storing Rain: David de Rothschild’s Quest for Pacific Plastic

Following the Plastiki's journey 11,000 miles through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch--a Texas-sized gyre of plastic litter.

Peter Gleick: ‘And During the Wet Years They Lost All Memory of the Dry Years.’

California has just suffered through three years of drought. Certainly not the first such drought and not the last.

Q&A: Ned Breslin on Rethinking Hydro-Philanthropy in Water Aid

There’s often a major disconnect between good intentions and long-term positive change, especially in an era of turmoil where philanthropy can sometimes do more harm than good.
Parag Khanna: How Resource Scarcity Will Lead to a New Global Order

Parag Khanna: How Resource Scarcity Will Lead to a New Global Order

The new global order looks more like a global disorder right now.

African, Asian Nations Top Latest Water Security Risk Index

A new report furthers the hypothesis that water stress serves as a catalyst for conflict.

Southern Australian State Plans to Save Additional 5 Billion of Liters of Water

Australia Tackles water scarcity in New South Wales by funding projects such a recycled water for irrigation.

Poland Endures Second Round of Flooding of the Vistula River

Only two of Poland's 16 regions remain untouched by floodwaters.

X-Rays Mark the Spot to Drill for Water in Chad

Magnetic imaging lets scientists peer beneath the surface to see exactly where groundwater sources are located.

Peter Gleick: Water Lessons from Singapore

"In a move with all sorts of political, economic, and environmental implications, the government of Singapore recently announced that it will not renew one of its two water agreements with its neighbor Malaysia."

First Inland Desalination Plant Opens in the UK

Located in East London’s Beckton, the Thames Water desalination plant is slated to be used during times of drought. But some local politicians argue that the facility is a waste of energy.

Bulk Water Exports: Alaska City Wants to Sell the World a Drink

Water shipped in large tankers designed for oil as a supply solution to the global freshwater crisis?