
Bulk Water Company Plans to Export to India, East Asia and the Caribbean

‘Water has to come to the people,’ president of S2C Global tells Circle of Blue.

Water Scarcity Constrains Food, Energy Security in Vietnam

As the Southeast Asian country battles with climate change, it looks to use less hydropower.

Alaska City Set to Ship Water to India, U.S. Company Announces

Within six to eight months, S2C Global Systems will ship water from Alaska to a hub in India.

Alaska Receives New Applications for Bulk Water Removal

While bulk water sales haven't been completed, three new applications show interest is still strong.

Bulk Water Exports: Alaska City Wants to Sell the World a Drink

Water shipped in large tankers designed for oil as a supply solution to the global freshwater crisis?

Experts Name the Top 19 Solutions to the Global Freshwater Crisis

"...Decisions executives make to respond to freshwater scarcity will penetrate almost every aspect of their business operations."

UK Reliance on Imported Water Leaves Country Vulnerable, Study

Many places the country currently imports products from may begin to see problems meeting domestic water demand in the coming decades, possibly causing a shortage of goods for the country, a study says.

Prospect of New Indian State Creates Water Allocation Concerns

The proposed Telangana state would require re-allocation of two of India’s largest rivers.

Pakistan Raises Water Issue During Diplomatic Talks with India

Pakistan officials argue India’s dam-building violate the Indus River Treaty.

Protecting the Future of Chicagoland’s Drinking Water

Chicagoland planners have drafted an ambitious plan to secure the region’s water supply through 2050, in the face of a booming population and its increased demand on the finite resource.

Peter Gleick: Stealing Water from the Future – California’s Massive Groundwater Overdraft Newly Revealed

A NASA report summarizing data collected from new satellites confirms what most water observers have known for a long time. Massive amounts of groundwater are being sucked out of California's Central Valley groundwater aquifers -- unreported, unmonitored, and unregulated.

Water Demand-Supply Gap Rising At Alarming Rate, Report Shows

Global water demand will grow at an accelerated rate -- from 4,500 billion meters cubed to 6,900 billion cubed -- by 2030 increasing the water gap.