
Thirsty Atlanta to Battle Southeast States over Lake Lanier Water Supply
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For nearly twenty years Florida and Alabama have turned a critical…

Great Lakes compact now moves to Congress
SAUGATUCK, Michigan - Michigan became the last state to approve…

Water access could trigger conflict
SINGAPORE - Singapore's prime minister said on Tuesday that water…

L.A. prepares massive water-conservation plan
LOS ANGELES, California - With its vital and sometimes distant…

Wisconsin Passes Great Lakes Compact
MADISON, Wisconsin — Both houses of the Wisconsin Legislature…

“Water Wars” Could Be On Tap for Great Lakes
TORONTO, Canada - Parched U.S. states could start "water wars"…

Congress working to restore full strength to Clean Water Act
WASHINGTON, DC -- For 31 years, the Clean Water Act protected…

Congress working to restore full strength to Clean Water Act
WASHINGTON, DC -- For 31 years, the Clean Water Act protected…

“Water Wars” in Our Future
LONDON - The world faces a future of "water wars", unless action…

Chinese province loses its water to Olympics
The Lohasian features a Reuters video on the continuing criticism…

Looming water wars foreshadow big problems
COLONIA BORQUEZ, MEXICO -- Adaptation, or the matter of adjusting…

Wisconsin Lawmakers Urged To Safeguard Water
MANITOWOC, Wisconsin — State legislators must move quickly…