
The Stream, January 16: Droughts and Floods Pose Public Health Risks

Public Health Floods linked to climate change, along with the…

Andrée Sosler

Traditional cooking techniques in Darfur can be dangerous for…
UN WASH drinking water MDG millennium development goals sanitation hygeine

UN WASH Report: A “Significant Risk of Slipping” in Global Gains for Drinking Water and Sanitation

More people have access to drinking water and sanitation than ever before, but more investment is needed to maintain those systems.

The Stream, August 15: Cholera Spreads in Somalia

A cholera epidemic is spreading in drought- and famine-hit Somalia,…
Access to Safe Water: Global Clean Water Supply by Countries

Infographic: Access to Safe Water—Countries Where Less Than 50 Percent Have Access

Global clean water supply by countries those less than 50% of the population can reach, and its facts, based on WHO and Pacific Institute 2004 reports.

Small Solution to Large-scale Water Pollution — Protozoa Detect Contaminants

A technology start-up is looking small to solve a big global problem.

Flooding Causes Cholera Outbreak Spread in Cameroon

Cameroon’s worst cholera outbreak since 2004 has killed at least 100 people and could spread to neighboring countries.

Flooding Continues to Devastate Pakistan

Misery in Pakistan mounts as flooding hinders relief efforts; threatens to spread waterborne diseases.

Indian Cities Face Sanitation Challenge

A recent survey on sanitation in India’s cities reveals the need for dramatic changes.

Sudan’s Fight Against the Guinea Worm

The Guinea worm has the potential to become the second completely eradicated disease in human history—but the political stability of one African nation will play a crucial role.

UN Claims of Greater Access to Drinking Water Are ‘Baloney,’ Water Expert Says

Water quality is a serious problem that is not properly acknowledged, says top water expert and adviser Asit Biswas.

Drinking Water Access on Target for Millennium Development Goals, while Sanitation Falls Short, Report Says

World Health Organization and UNICEF has found that the world is on track to surpass the Millennium Development Goal for drinking water access, but will fall short by one billion people for sanitation if current trends continue.