
Water Talk: Expert Q&As on the UN Sustainable Development Goals for Water
For the first time, international leaders meeting in New York City this weekend will consider a dedicated goal for water.

Challenged By Drought, Fire, Earthquake, and Flood, California Departs On New Path
In response to truculent planet, conserving water, limiting climate emissions, and achieving "net zero" energy use are top priorities.

Groundwater Depletion Stresses Majority of World’s Largest Aquifers
Scientists do not know how much groundwater is left.

Price of Water 2015: Up 6 Percent in 30 Major U.S. Cities; 41 Percent Rise Since 2010
As urban water use declines, utilities change business models.
World Water Day Ingredients Need Big Dash of Urgency
Senior editor Keith Schneider wonders if maybe a spokesperson and Xbox games are needed.

India’s Economy Slows as Condition of Water, Land, and Cities Deteriorates
Prime Minister Modi and President Obama this week need to talk about 21st-century development.

Growth in Lima, Peru’s Capital, Served Without Water
Ubiquitous water trucks are a guide to Peru's swelling metropolis.

Experts Name the Top 19 Solutions to the Global Freshwater Crisis
"...Decisions executives make to respond to freshwater scarcity will penetrate almost every aspect of their business operations."