
Egypt’s Nile River Pressured by Population Growth, Rising Sea Level

Threats to the Nile and explosive population growth are pushing Egypt toward severe water scarcity.

Water-Stressed Beijing Exhausts Its Options

After depleting groundwater reserves, China's capital is becoming increasingly reliant on water pumped from the country's flood-prone South.

São Paulo Heading To Another Dry Spell

Three years after the megacity nearly ran out of water, signs of a new crisis emerge.

Booming Infrastructure Poisons Bangalore’s Lakes, Depletes Groundwater

Bangalore’s largest lake is so contaminated that it routinely…

Jakarta, the World’s Fastest-Sinking City, Also Faces Rising Sea Levels and River Pollution

Certain parts of the city have sunk 14 feet in recent decades, largely due to illegal well-digging.

Floods and Water Shortages Swamp Mexico City

Water crisis looms as the flood-prone city depletes its groundwater.